Our genome

Well we've heard about DNA and genes, so what is the genome?

The genome is simply the collection of all our genes and DNA. The human genome has now been sequenced - in other words we know the complete sequence of DNA bases that forms the genome of a human being. Of course this varies slightly between each individual - otherwise we would all be like identical twins!

The human genome contains around 3,286,000,000 DNA bases! That's more than 3 billion bases. If you were to print that on A4 paper using a standard 66 lines of 80 characters, you'd need 622348 pages - that's more than 1200 of those big packets of paper or nearly 250 standard boxes! Enough to fill around 100 drawers of a filing cabinet! That's also enough to fill 5 computer CDs with data.

All that information is crammed into every one of your cells!

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