What are proteins?

Let's summarize where we've got to so far:

So we've heard that proteins are important, but what are they and why are they important?

Well first of all, let's see some protein. If you get an egg and crack it open, take a look at the egg white. Egg white is an almost pure solution of protein in water (85% water, 10% protein). It contains mostly four proteins called ovalbumin (54% of the protein), conalbumin (12%), ovamucoid (11%) and lysozyme (3.4%), but also small amounts of some other proteins (avidin, ovoglobulin, ovinhibitor and flavoproteins) as well as some vitamins and minerals.

We'll look at a picture of what ovalubumin looks like at the atomic level a bit later

OK, we've seen some protein, but what does it do? Why is it so important??

Proteins can do lots of things.:

One of the most important things they do is act as enzymes. Enzymes are catalysts: they help chemical reactions to occur.

On the Next Page we will see some enzymes in action.