Surrey Explorers

Archives: newsletters

Spring 2009

Welcome to the Spring Term.

A warm welcome to all new members. At Surrey Explorers we provide a forum for parents and children to get together focus on a new subject, stretch minds, see our children flourish in a stimulating environment and make friends.

We are always looking for new volunteers for the committee, so please, if you have a small amount of time to spare, do come forward. The commitment is very small and the rewards are immense.

We are now trying to cooperate with neighbouring groups such as West Sussex Explorers to allow members to visit multiple groups.

We have an exciting series of events for the term, so check the Diary page for the latest information. Unfortunately we have had to increase subscriptions to £7 per child per session.

If you have anything you would like to see on the web site or any material we could use, please send it to the web-master:

Jenny Norris, Chair